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(Cap. 1 al 5): David aún adolescente enfrenta a Goliat, el filisteo, tras un desafío de esclavitud que ofende a Dios. Locura de Saúl con raptos de violencia. Apedrean a la adivina porque los israelitas tienen prohibida la idolatría y la magia. Saúl intenta clavar a David con una lanza por envidia. Fase de David aún joven.
King DavidRei Davi
Our story begins in Bethlehem, an Israelite territory, in the year 1045 B.C. David is 10 years old and is preparing to herd his father Jesse’s flock of sheep. Being the youngest of seven brothers, David is tasked with being the household servant. He’s been relegated beneath his brothers because they all have the honor of being brave warriors for King Saul.
Leonardo Brício
Renata Dominguez
Maria Ribeiro
Cláudio Fontana
Gracindo Júnior
Isaac Bardavid
Vivian de Oliveira
Edson Spinello
El Rey David – Cap. 3
El Rey David – Cap. 3
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